A Balance Session could be the answer!

The Effect of a balance

A balance gives you a place of safety and stability from where you can make your choices.

Fida Prinsloo

When I suggest to clients that they are in need of a balance. I often am greeted by a confused look as their mind rushes off to thoughts of a quiet room with scented candles while they tie themselves up in a yoga pose and do their best not to fall over.

This is not the case and the word “balance” for us goes far deeper than the physical act of balancing. This is how we describe our sessions in which we use our proven formula to achieve a sense of BALANCE from within and are able to MOVE forward purposefully towards our goals.

For this reason Albert Einstein’s above quote is so fitting and it’s ironic that balance while moving forward is said to be achieved through movement itself. In actual fact, it is when we stop peddling our life bicycle, that we lose balance and fall.

What is a balance?

A ‘balance’ is what is done when working closely with a client or a group of clients. During this process, movement is used to activate the different areas of the brain through the body. This process enables the brain and body to reconnect, working together in balance which then means that we can achieve our goals.

An Educational Kinesiologist will take you through this process. Their aim is to draw out your true potential through the use of designed movements while noticing the changes taking place.

When would I request a balance?

Clients request a balance session when they have a goal that they wish to achieve. These goals may be any goal in your life whether it has to do with…

  • Love and relationships
  • Careers and Education
  • Personal Finances
  • Health and Recreation
  • Routine and Responsibilities
  • Social Contribution
  • or Personal Growth

The beauty of this work, is that the client can work on any area within their life where the wish to achieve goals and experience peak performance.

What if I don’t have a goal, but rather a problem?

So often we as people get stuck on the problems and obstacles. Many people are able to share about the things that they do not want in life, but have not quite envisioned the future they do want. It is important to understand that problems or obstacles are goals that haven’t been defined yet.

Without a sense of direction and purposeful movement towards achieving a goal, many people are doing their best to avoid or run away from their obstacles and are left exhausted, frustrated and feeling lost.

Discussing your problems with an Educational Kinesiologist and together re-framing them as a goal, is therefore the first and most important step.

Can a balance help me work through a trauma?

Absolutely! For many people this is the chosen way of working through stress and trauma. Many of our clients have had experiences where they simply were not able to put into words their very overwhelming emotions.

These sessions prove great with younger children too, who simply do not have the vocabulary to express what it is that they are experiencing.

When using the body and the way it moves as a means of communication, the Educational Kinesiologist do not have to interpret sometimes ambiguous wording. Through this process our goal is to assist and support our clients so that they can move forward and experience a sense of healing as opposed to diagnosing and treating the problem.

How does a balance session work?

A Educational Kinesiologist will begin by understanding the clients problem. From a discussion, the Educational Kinesiologist and the client will work on re-framing this into a positive and inspiring goal and in doing so, begin to move purposefully towards the goal.

Knowing where it is that you want to be, through the movement of you body, the Educational Kinesiologist can notice where you are at. Noticing what areas of your mind and body are not in balance and ready to move forward.

Introducing designed movement that activates the brain, now shifts these areas that are not supporting you in reaching your goal, into balance. Through movement, the Educational Kinesiologist and the client can notice the change that has occurred, both through smoother movement of the body and clearer thoughts along with a sense of peace and contentment.

Because we are all unique, so are our obstacles. This means that no one balance session is ever the same as another. This might impact on how long or short a session might be and what tools the Educational Kinesiologist might use. When you need more time than is available to move through the process, the Educational Kinesiologist might “bookmark” the session and schedule a follow-up appointment.

How quickly will I notice a difference?

For many clients there is a shift directly after having completed a balance. However, sometimes it might takes a few days or even a week or two to truly notice a shift. Sometimes a balance might require the client to introduce some designed moves into their routine for a few days as the brain settles into the new and improved way of dealing with things.

For many once the balance is complete, that exact goal no longer needs to be worked on, instead in follow-up sessions the client might choose to work on different goals, or goals that might be similar but not the same. This is because this approach works through movement to rewire the neuropathways, changing the way in which the mind and body respond to goals. Clients are by no means required to try to effortfully, through the changing of behaviour and habits, to do what happens there and then within a balance session.

How long will these results last for?

These changes are lifelong. As you work on goals and feel safe to take more risks in life, you might find that you come across other obstacles and clients tend to reach out again to assist in moving forward with these.

How do I achieve the best results?

Because this process is completely unique to each client, some clients might feel that they only have one goal and are content having come for one balance session. These tend to be clients who have in the past been for a few balances and are thriving in life, with the little stone in their road here or there.

For new clients, we recommend booking for six sessions to move through a few core beliefs that might not be supporting them. When a client is serious about wanting to see such change, this package is ideal. For the dedicated client who chooses this package, we offer the sixth session for free.

It is important for clients to understand that this work is described as life changing. Many people leave after just one session feeling much better, however, they fail to see the value in investing in themselves so as to experience even more success in all areas and rather wait until they are down in the dumps before booking another balance. It is advisable not to see this process as a quick fix but rather as a way and means to invests in oneself as a person and so begin to thrive in life as opposed to just cope in life!

What happens if things seem worse afterward a balance?

It is not uncommon for people to feel a bit worse after a balance. This can happen when we have done some “spring-cleaning” and the “dust is settling”. Progress sometimes might in actual fact mean the presenting of new behaviours that were being held back by trauma or core beliefs that were not supporting the person.

It is important to notice the behaviour or sensations and reach out to the Educational Kinesiologist allowing them to either set up another session or coach you through the changes you are noticing. While all growth is beneficial, sometimes it includes growing pains!

Is there an age limit?

No. All people can move, some more than others, however, because this is based on movement and not language, people from all ages and walks of life can use this balance process.

This work has therefore been used with newborns as much as it has been used with the elderly.

What is a group balance?

Group balances can be use with a group of people who have a common goal in mind. These balances are great for…

  • Families
  • Spouses and Partners
  • Work Teams
  • For Classes
  • Workshops and More

What if I don’t have a goal?

Many people haven’t thought about where they would like to be in life. They have lost touch with their childhood dreams and aspirations as life has become about fulfilling roles and responsibilities.

For clients who feel so lost, I recommend a profiling session. during this session we rediscover who our clients are and their gifts and talents. This often allows clients to remember who they are and what is important to them, which allows them to consider the direction their life is heading in and what goals they’d like to work on.

How much do the sessions cost?

Because all people deserve to live their God-given life to the full, we do our best to make sure such sessions are affordable while having a great impact on you. We are not in the business of creating lifelong clients as that would mean that our clients are dependent on us, rather than experiencing success. No industry’s business module should be reliant on you being unwell and dependent on their services indefinitely.

For this reason balance sessions are kept at the low cost of R500, 00 a session, with a package of six sessions at R2500,00. Our once-off profiling session costs R1200,00 and includes the two and half hour session, written feedback and a free feedback session.

The proof is in the pudding and many of our clients are so impressed by the work that they in turn return not as a client, but rather as a learner to our courses.

Contact us:

If you would like to find out more about our balance session, or would like to experience one yourself, get in touch via WhastApp, or email.

Alternatively head over to our website at www.mindfulmoves.co.za where you are able to subscribe to our newsletter.

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