Assisting children, parents, and educators in every aspect of life.
We offer various services to help individuals reach their school, work, and life goals, making them happier and healthier.
Latest Blogs
Courses FAQ
Who will benefit from these talks, courses and workshops? The purpose of this our course content is to empower everyone, regardless of their qualifications, to support themselves, their loved ones, and the children they teach. Many available courses are limited to individuals with specific qualifications in human development, which is
Profiling Sessions FAQ
What is a Profiling Session? A profiling session lasts about an hour and a half and is casual. It can be used for several purposes, such as identifying why a child is struggling in school, teaching students study techniques, understanding a child’s personality to better grasp their behaviour, suggesting subjects
Balances and Stress Relief FAQ
What is a Balance? A balance session lasts 90 minutes and focuses on exploring beliefs, akin to goal-setting. We use movement and imagery to reprogram the subconscious mind, offering the benefits of hypnosis without the anxiety of losing control. The subconscious communicates through our bodies and vivid images, allowing us
Mindful Moves Blogs
Courses FAQ
Who will benefit from these talks, courses and workshops? The purpose of this our course content is to empower everyone, regardless of their qualifications, to support themselves, their loved ones, and the children they teach. Many available courses are limited to individuals with specific qualifications in human development, which is
Profiling Sessions FAQ
What is a Profiling Session? A profiling session lasts about an hour and a half and is casual. It can be used for several purposes, such as identifying why a child is struggling in school, teaching students study techniques, understanding a child’s personality to better grasp their behaviour, suggesting subjects
Balances and Stress Relief FAQ
What is a Balance? A balance session lasts 90 minutes and focuses on exploring beliefs, akin to goal-setting. We use movement and imagery to reprogram the subconscious mind, offering the benefits of hypnosis without the anxiety of losing control. The subconscious communicates through our bodies and vivid images, allowing us
Movement Programmes & Primitive Reflexes FAQ
How does movement help with acadedmics? Sensation, movement, emotions, and the brain’s integrative functions are all connected to our physical bodies. Sadly, the idea that intellectual activity can exist independently of our bodies is deeply ingrained in our culture. In reality, thinking and learning are not solely mental processes; rather,
Neurofeedback & HEG FAQ
Why should I choose to do neurofeedback with Mindful Moves? Mindful Moves stands out by not only importing equipment from the US but also by providing HEG services. Their latest offering, the State Changer, is an innovative HEG device that monitors blood flow to and from the prefrontal cortex. Utilizing
Mindful Moves Offerings, FAQ
What sets Mindful Moves apart? Mindful Moves provides a variety of services that can be delivered individually for clients facing specific challenges or, preferably, as a customized package to address more complex issues. Each of our services is developmentally aligned, recognizing the client as the expert of their own experience.

How is balance affecting your child’s ability to achieve at school?
In this article, we delve into the relationship between anxiety and retained primitive reflexes, offering valuable insights. Mindful Moves presents a variety of resources, including courses, neurofeedback, movement programs, and strategies for stress relief. It’s important to note that Mindful Moves does not function as a healthcare provider, and our

Are Retained Primitive Reflexes affecting your child’s fine motor skills?
In this article, we delve into the relationship between anxiety and retained primitive reflexes, offering valuable insights. Mindful Moves presents a variety of resources, including courses, neurofeedback, movement programs, and strategies for stress relief. It’s important to note that Mindful Moves does not function as a healthcare provider, and our
Anxiety frequently emerges as a prevalent symptom in children who exhibit retained primitive reflexes.

How can you improve your attention, impulse control, decision making and planning with HEG?

Do you have a disorder or is it simply a brain pattern?

Make your relationship great in 2024!

Why Goals are so important to start your 2024 off!

What are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

What is Profiling?
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein Profiling offers you the manual that you didn’t come with? Profiling Sessions allows for us to put together feedback that

Preparing a Homeschool program for Early Childhood Development

Autism: Changes you can make at home and in the classroom.

Why is my child battling with speech?

Exam and Test Hacks

Is Tolerating your Stress, Leading to an Unfulfilled Life?

Choosing the Right School for Your Child.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) holds a special place in the heart of Mindful Moves. Our founder, Kerry, has a personal story with autism. Finding out your child has ASD can be an emotional, stressful and taxing process. Something that quickly becomes apparent in South Africa is the lack of support

Kinesiology- The Study of Movement
What is Kinesiology? People often don’t understand what I do when I explain that I’m what you call an Educational Kinesiologist or an Occupational Kinesiologist. When I say this, many do not understand the meaning of the word and put it in the “weird” box in their head. I believe

What is SACE or CPTD Points and how can I earn them?
What is SACE or CPTD Points? CPTD stands for Continuing Professional Teacher Development. This system recognises that teachers, like doctors, lawyers, psychologists and even accountants, need to continue their professional growth in order to serve our youth in this ever-changing world. This system is managed by SACE (the South African

How Break Detention Affects Learning.

Parenting and Teaching: Discipline vs Punishment

What Age should I teach my child to Read and Write?
The goal of early childhood should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn. Maria Montessori Tots and reading Of late, there seems to be this pressure to get your child reading as soon as possible. I have seen many a video of a tiny tot, unable to

Mind Your Weight

A Balance Session could be the answer!
The Effect of a balance A balance gives you a place of safety and stability from where you can make your choices. Fida Prinsloo When I suggest to clients that they are in need of a balance. I often am greeted by a confused look as their mind rushes off

Welcome to Mindful Moves!
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. – Albert Einstein Who is Mindful Moves? Mindful Moves uses movement consciously to help people of all ages and capabilities, to improve their life! We are passionate about assisting our clients in changing their state of